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My Love(架子鼓谱)

来源:转自《椰壳鼓手网》   上传:秋叶起舞   日期:2014-06-21   浏览次数:  
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My Love(架子鼓谱)(1)_原文件名:1.png
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《My Love》文本歌词


An empty street, an empty house

A hole inside my heart

I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller

I wonder how, I wonder why

I wonder where they are

The days we had

The songs we sang together

And oh my love, I'm holding on forever

Reaching for a love that seems so far


So I say a little prayer

And hope my dreams will take me there

Where the skies are blue

To see you once again, my love

Overseas from coast to coast

To find a place I love the most

Where the fields are green

To see you once again, my love

I try to read, I go to work

I'm laughing with my friends

But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking

I wonder how, I wonder why

I wonder where they are

The days we had

The songs we sang togetther

And oh my love, I'm holding on forever

Reaching for a love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer

And hope my dreams will take me there

Where the skies are blue

To see you once again, my love

Overseas from coast to coast

To find a place I love the most

Where the fields are green

To see you once again

To hold you in my arms

To promise you my love

To tell you from the heart

You're all I'm thinking of

I'm reaching for a love that seems so far

(Repeat Chorus)

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